The stereotype is real: Cannabis and sex go great together. In a 2020 article, Psychology Today’s Michael Castleman M.A. cites two recent reports that indicate roughly two-thirds of marijuana lovers say it enhances sex. A University of British Columbia report states that 74% of 216 marijuana users surveyed said cannabis increased their sensitivity to erotic touch. And 74% also said cannabis improved their sexual satisfaction. But how? Just ask Ashley Manta, sexuality professional who goes by the nickname “The CannaSexual®.” Manta wrote a book called The CBD Solution: Sex and was a featured expert on VICELAND TV’s “Stoned Sex” episode of Slutever.
Manta recently appeared in a Farmacy Cannabis Lecture Series webinar to discuss the finer details about cannabis’ pleasurable correlation to sex. Manta discussed the various intoxicating methods of cannabis and how and when the effects manifest. For instance, inhalation – smoking, dabbing, vaping to name a few methods – has an onset time of between five and 15 minutes. This gives users an opportunity to know quickly how high they are and make the necessary adjustments.
Manta seemed to express more caution of consuming edibles for the purpose of sex because of the large concentration of 11-hydroxy-THC, which creates a stronger intensity of the “high” experience and a loosened grasp of mindfulness. It can take up to two hours for the effects to kick in and the ride can last up to four to eight hours. Manta recommended users new to cannabis to ingest about two and a half milligrams and wait a full two hours to determine how you feel.
Manta recommended the insertion of rectal or vaginal cannabinoid-laced suppositories for direct “head” stimulation. Anecdotally, Manta mentioned how rectal suppositories helped patients develop a more relaxed feeling. She recommended using that method of consumption for people with serious medical conditions such as HIV and cancer.
After providing a brief and informative breakdown about the female anatomy, which included a 3D-printed clitoris, Manta explained how a woman can be properly stimulated. The way Manta explained it was illuminating, especially for men who struggle to have that visualization during their intimate moments.
“Cannabis can make the clit a happy bundle of nerves,” Manta said. She recommended topicals, like products from Foria, which can be spread over the vulva and let “marinate” for about 10-15 minutes before stimulation.
Manta brought up the fact that smoking cannabis will not “turn you on.” Rather, it’s used to compliment a complex dual-control model that requires turning off the “brakes “of sexual inhibition and hitting the “gas” with sexual excitation. Cannabis helps by removing the sexual inhibition, which is a neurological reflex we naturally have. Manta encourages users to also consider non-consumption factors, including the set and setting where the act is performed and ritual development.
The “Sex and Cannabis” webinar helped break down the barriers of misconceptions and myths of how cannabis factors into intimacy. But Manta excelled in providing viewers with a sex education that demystified female arousal – something you wouldn’t typically find in your high school health class. By addressing cannabis as an enhancement instead of a solution, Manta helped bring the focus back on the intimate act itself while probing what a cannabis product could do for them.

Learn more about Ashley Manta by visiting her relationship coaching website at and visiting her Instagram @cannasexual. Watch Manta’s “Sex and Cannabis” webinar at
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